Zombie Mission Survivor

Zombie Mission Survivor



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What is Zombie Mission Survivor?

Zombie Mission Survivor is an intense action-packed game where players must defend themselves against waves of zombies and variant creatures. Armed with an array of weapons, the heroes need to earn gold from destroying zombies to upgrade their arsenal and fortify their defenses. The game offers both a single-player mode and a two-player cooperative mode, allowing players to team up with a friend to fend off the relentless zombie onslaught. The objective is to survive as long as possible by strategically upgrading weapons, armories, and earnings to become stronger and more resilient against increasingly difficult waves of enemies.

How to Play Zombie Mission Survivor

 - Starting the Game:

Select either the single-player mode or the two-player mode if you want to team up with a friend. In the two-player mode, you and your friend will need to coordinate your efforts to maximize your chances of survival.

 - Controls:

Familiarize yourself with the game controls. Typically, you will use the keyboard or game controller to move your character, aim, and shoot. Each player will have their own set of controls in the two-player mode.

 - Defending Against Waves:

  • The game is structured in waves of zombies and variant creatures. Each wave increases in difficulty, with more and tougher enemies appearing as you progress.
  • Position yourself strategically to defend against incoming zombies. Use obstacles and the environment to your advantage to funnel enemies and create choke points.

 - Earning Gold:

  • Destroy zombies to earn gold. The amount of gold earned depends on the type of enemy defeated and the wave number.
  • Collect gold quickly before it disappears to ensure you have enough resources for upgrades.

 - Upgrading Weapons and Armories:

  • Use the gold you’ve earned to upgrade your weapons and armories between waves. Visit the upgrade menu to enhance your firepower, increase your ammo capacity, and improve your defenses.
  • Prioritize upgrades based on your playstyle and the types of enemies you are facing. For example, upgrade your primary weapon for general combat or invest in a powerful secondary weapon for tougher foes.

 - Managing Resources:

  • Balance your spending between weapon upgrades and defensive improvements. A well-upgraded weapon can help you clear waves more efficiently, but a strong defense can provide the necessary protection during overwhelming attacks.
  • Consider investing in passive upgrades that increase your gold earnings per kill, allowing for faster progression in subsequent waves.

 - Cooperative Play:

  • In the two-player mode, communication and teamwork are key. Coordinate with your partner to cover different areas, share resources, and plan upgrades.
  • Use complementary strategies, such as one player focusing on long-range attacks while the other handles close-quarters combat.

 - Advanced Strategies:

  • As waves become more difficult, develop advanced strategies such as setting traps, using explosives, and taking advantage of special abilities unique to your characters.
  • Monitor your health and ammo levels constantly. Make sure to pick up health packs and ammo drops when needed to stay in the fight.

 - Survival and Progression:

  • The primary goal is to survive as many waves as possible. As you progress, you’ll unlock new weapons, upgrades, and abilities that enhance your combat effectiveness.
  • Track your progress and high scores to challenge yourself to reach further waves in future playthroughs.

 - End of Game:

The game ends when both players (or the single player) are overwhelmed by the zombies. Use your accumulated knowledge and experience to improve your strategy and aim for a higher score in the next round.

Let the action begin and immerse yourself in the thrilling battle against the undead in Zombie Mission Survivor. With strategic upgrades, cooperative gameplay, and relentless action, this game offers endless excitement and challenges for all players.


Player 1:

  • Move: W, A, S, D
  • Upgrades: Z, X, C

Player 2:

  • Move: ARROW KEYS
  • Upgrades: B, N, M

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