Sweatshop is a thought-provoking and humorous strategy game that takes place in an offshore factory focused on manufacturing clothes for Western high-street retailers. Players take on the role of a manager responsible for overseeing workers, upgrading factory premises, and meeting the demanding requirements of clients. The game presents a choice between being a generous or ruthless manager, offering a unique exploration of ethical decisions within the context of fashion production. How far would you go to prevent a fashion disaster? Sweatshop challenges players to contemplate this question in a satirical and engaging setting.
Sweatshop offers players a thought-provoking and engaging experience within the fashion industry's context. By managing workers, upgrading facilities, and navigating ethical choices, players delve into the complexities of the fashion supply chain while being entertained by the game's humorous and satirical approach. With a mouse-driven interface and shortcuts for convenience, players can immerse themselves in this strategic and contemplative gameplay.
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