Riffle Assault

Riffle Assault



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Prepare for a thrilling trench battle experience in Riffle Assault! As the commanding general, you'll face an incoming enemy army in this fun yet challenging game. Your strategic skills will be put to the test as you manage your resources, plan your purchases, and maneuver your forces to overcome the impending threat. Can you lead your troops to victory and emerge triumphant against the enemy onslaught?


Riffle Assault immerses you in a tactical warfare scenario where strategic decision-making is key. As the general, you'll strategically manage your resources and purchases, carefully selecting weapons, defenses, and units to counter the advancing enemy army. Navigate through trenches, strategically placing your units, and making crucial decisions on when and where to deploy reinforcements. The goal is to outmaneuver and outsmart the enemy, reaching the end of the battlefield to claim victory.


  • Resource Management: Manage your resources wisely to purchase and deploy units, weapons, and defenses strategically.
  • Tactical Movements: Strategically position your troops and defenses along the battlefield to fend off the advancing enemy army.
  • Unit Deployment: Choose the right units and reinforcements to counter specific enemy threats and obstacles.
  • Progressive Challenges: Encounter increasingly difficult levels, requiring more advanced strategic planning to overcome the enemy forces.
  • Upgrade System: Unlock upgrades and enhancements for your units and defenses to improve their effectiveness in battle.
  • Real-time Decision Making: Make critical decisions in real-time as the enemy advances, adapting your strategy to changing battlefield conditions.
  • Victory Objective: Your ultimate aim is to reach the end of the battlefield, demonstrating superior strategy and defeating the enemy army.

Riffle Assault promises a blend of strategy and excitement, challenging players to think tactically and strategically as they navigate through trench battles. Are you ready to take on the role of a general, manage your resources effectively, and lead your forces to victory against the enemy onslaught?

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