Oblivion Eve

Oblivion Eve



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What is Oblivion Eve?

Oblivion Eve is an enthralling roguelike action-platformer designed for the Pico-8 platform, offering players a captivating blend of intricate gameplay and relentless challenge. Set within a constantly evolving prison, this meticulously crafted game invites players into a world where strategy, skill, and destruction are the keys to victory. With its dynamic environment, diverse weaponry, and the ultimate goal of liberating an enchained titan, Oblivion Eve delivers an immersive gaming experience that pushes the boundaries of the genre.

How to Play

  • Delve into the Depths: As players embark on their journey through Oblivion Eve, they must prepare for a new adventure with each playthrough. The prison is a labyrinth of randomized rooms, devoid of any map to aid navigation. Expect the environment to actively work against you by altering its layout, forcing retracing of steps, and placing formidable enemies in your path.
  • Liberate the Titan: At the heart of the prison lies an enchained titan, the ultimate adversary. To achieve victory, players must destroy the four gems binding the titan's chains, one by one. Each encounter with the titan demands strategy, skill, and determination as players aim to shatter all four chains and free the titan from its captivity.
  • Master Combos: The mantra "Always Be Comboing" is pivotal to combat in Oblivion Eve. Mastery of combos not only decimates foes but is crucial for survival and progression through the shifting prison environment.
  • Utilize Weaponry: Players have access to five distinct weapons, each with unique movesets and attack properties. Throughout the journey, opportunities arise to enhance weaponry through upgrades affecting attributes such as size, damage, meter gain, duration, and recharge rate. These upgrades offer a customizable combat experience, allowing players to tailor their play style to suit their strategy and preferences.
  • Navigate Challenges: Oblivion Eve offers a rich and challenging experience that rewards precision, strategic planning, and adaptability. With its dynamic environment and diverse weaponry, players must navigate through obstacles, defeat enemies, and ultimately achieve the goal of titan liberation.

 Oblivion Eve stands as a testament to the depth and complexity possible within the roguelike action-platformer genre. With its dynamic gameplay, diverse weaponry, and overarching quest for titan liberation, the game offers players an immersive and rewarding gaming experience that promises new challenges and opportunities with each playthrough. Are you ready to enter the shifting prison of Oblivion Eve and embark on a quest for glory?


  • Arrow Keys: Move Character, Move Menu Selection
  • (Z): Jump, Choose Menu Selection
  • (X): Attack, Previous Menu
  • Enter: Pause Menu

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